

The Carleton Computer Science Question Repository is collection of practice questions for Carleton University's Computer Science courses. The questions are sourced from previous evaluations and are intended to help students prepare for exams.

The project was developed by students with resources and content provided by staff members of Carleton University's School of Computer Science.

For those familliar with DiscreteMath.ca, this website is a modernized version built to support multiple courses and provide an easier experience for maintainers and volunteers.


John Lu
John Lu
Matthew MacRae-Bovell
Matthew MacRae-Bovell
Nguyen-Hanh Nong
Nguyen-Hanh Nong

History / Credits

In January 2019, Forest Anderson, Alexa De Grandmont, and Matthew MacRae-Bovell would initially collaborate on creating more accessible resources for COMP 2804 at the Hacking COMP 2804 event hosted by the Carleton Computer Science Society.

In March 2020, the three would begin work on a project called the "Carleton Computer Science Study Center", named to parralel the Discrete Math Study Center created by Prosenjit Bose and John Howat for COMP 1805 course. Using previous midterms and finals written by Michiel Smid and Pat Morin, Alexa manually formatted and organized each question from 2013-2019. Matthew wrote the first version of the website.

In Summer 2021, Forest hosted another event focussed on developing interactive resources at Carleton: "Hacking COMP 1XXX" and Matthew led an effort to rebuild the site with a group of volunteers including Damilola Adesola, Elias Hawa, Erica Li, Jonathon Steeves, and Robert Babaev. This rebuild would come to be known as DiscreteMath.ca.

Between 2021-2023 many volunteers would contribute to the DiscreteMath.ca project. A full list of contributions can be found here. During this time, Sam Haskins would improve, reformat, and add many of the COMP 2804 questions that at the time were only available in PDF format.

In Summer 2024, John Lu, Matthew MacRae-Bovell, and Nguyen-Hanh Nong rebuilt the website for a third time. This time with a focus on eventually supporting multiple courses and providing an easier experience for maintainers and volunteers to contribute to the project. All content was moved to a new repository and the project was renamed to "Carleton Computer Science Question Repository". John Lu and Nguyen-Hanh Nong also collaborated on writting out solutions for almost all of the past COMP 2804 questions. John Lu also tagged all questions with tags related to their associated course chapter, enabling students to be able to practice questions based on the chapter they are currently studying.