
Solution: 2014 Winter Final - 11

Author: Michiel Smid


The Fibonacci numbers are defined as follows: $f_0 = 0$, $f_1 = 1$, and $f_n = f_{n-1} + f_{n-2}$ for $n \geq 2$.
Consider the recursive algorithm $\Fib$, which takes as input an integer $n \geq 0$:

$\mathbf{Algorithm}\ \Fib(n)\mathrm{:}$
$\mathbf{if}\ n = 0\ \mathrm{or}\ n = 1$
$\mathbf{then}\ f = n$
$\mathbf{else}\ f = \Fib(n - 1) + \Fib(n - 2)$
$\mathbf{return}\ f$

For $n \geq 5$, run algorithm $\Fib(n)$ and let $a_n$ be the number of times that $\Fib(4)$ is called.
Which of the following is true?
for all $n \geq 5$, $a_n = f_{n-2}$
for all $n \geq 5$, $a_n = f_n$
for all $n \geq 5$, $a_n = f_{n-1}$
for all $n \geq 5$, $a_n = f_{n-3}$


  1. Base Case Analysis:
    For $ n = 0 $ or $ n = 1 $, $ FIB(n) $ is called directly and returns $ n $.
    For $ n \geq 2 $, the algorithm makes recursive calls to $ FIB(n-1) $ and $ FIB(n-2) $.

  2. Recursive Call Analysis:
    To find the number of times $ FIB(4) $ is called in $ FIB(n) $, we analyze the recursive structure of $ FIB $.
    Each call to $ FIB(n) $ results in calls to $ FIB(n-1) $ and $ FIB(n-2) $.

  3. Pattern Recognition:
    Consider $ FIB(n) $ for different values of $ n $:
    $ FIB(5) $ calls $ FIB(4) $ and $ FIB(3) $.
    $ FIB(6) $ calls $ FIB(5) $ and $ FIB(4) $.
    $ FIB(7) $ calls $ FIB(6) $ and $ FIB(5) $.

  4. Recursive Counting:
    Let $ a_n $ be the number of \times $ FIB(4) $ is called in $ FIB(n) $.
    Observe that $ a_n $ satisfies the recurrence relation similar to the Fibonacci sequence:
    $a_n = a_{n-1} + a_{n-2}$
    Initial conditions are crucial:
    $ FIB(4) $ is called 1 time in $ FIB(4) $.
    $ FIB(5) $ calls $ FIB(4) $ directly once and $ FIB(3) $, which does not call $ FIB(4) $.

  5. Connecting to Fibonacci Sequence:
    The recurrence relation $ a_n = a_{n-1} + a_{n-2} $ with initial conditions $ a_4 = 1 $ and $ a_5 = 1 $ corresponds to the Fibonacci sequence shifted by 3:
    $a_n = f_{n-3}$

  6. Conclusion:
    Therefore, the number of times $ FIB(4) $ is called in $ FIB(n) $ is given by the Fibonacci number $ f_{n-3} $:
    $a_n = f_{n-3}$