To find the expected value of the max of 3 numbers, we first need to know what is the range of possible values for Z. Since the smallest number in the set is 1 and the largest is 50, that means the range of values is: $1 - 50$.
Let $Z_i$ represent the random variable where $Z_i$ is:
Using the linearity of expectation, we just need to find out the expected value of $Z_i$, or $Pr(Z_i = i)$.
We know that for a number to be a “maximum”, there are 3 possible cases:
We can convert these cases into a formula, which corresponds to: $3(i - 1)^2 + 3(i - 1) + 1$, where $i$ is the “maximum” number. We also know that the total sample space (aka, all combinations of 3 numbers chosen) are: $(\frac{1}{50})^3 = 50^{-3}$ Now we can formulate the entire formula together: