
Solution: 2014 Winter Midterm - 4

Author: Michiel Smid


Let $S$ be a set of size 37, and let $x$, $y$, and $z$ be three distinct elements of $S$. How many subsets of $S$ are there that contain $x$ or $y$, but do not contain $z$?
$2^{36} - 2^{34}$
$2^{37} - 2^{35}$
$2^{36} - 2^{35}$
$2^{37} - 2^{34}$


  • A = set of subsets that contain x but not z
    We can take for granted that one of the element has a fixed possibility of being x: 1
    Since $z$ can't be in this subset and $x$ is in this subset, we can create subsets from the remaining 35 elements.
    $|A| = 2^{35} $
  • B = set of subsets that contain y but not z
    We can take for granted that one of the element has a fixed possibility of being y: 1
    Since $z$ can't be in this subset and $y$ is in this subset, we can create subsets from the remaining 35 elements.
    $|B| = 2^{35} $
  • Now, let's try to determine $ A \cap B $, which is, \enquote{subsets that have x and don't have z and have y and don't have z}
    We can take for granted that one of the element has a fixed possibility of being x: 1
    We can take for granted that one of the element has a fixed possibility of being y: 1
    Since $z$ can't be in this subset and $x$ and $y$ are in this subset already, we can create subsets from the remaining 34 elements.
    $|A \cap B| = 2^{34} $
$|A \cup B| = |A| + |B| - |A \cap B|$

$|A \cup B| = 2^{35} + 2^{35} - 2^{34}$

$|A \cup B| = (1+1) \cdot 2^{35} - 2^{34}$

$|A \cup B| = 2 \cdot 2^{35} - 2^{34}$

$|A \cup B| = 2^{36} - 2^{34}$