
Solution: 2018 Fall Midterm - 16

Author: Michiel Smid


Alexa, Tri, and Zoltan each have a uniformly random birthday. (We ignore leap years, so that one year has 365 days.)
Define the event
  • A = "Alexa, Tri, and Zoltan have different birthdays".
What is $\text{Pr}(A)$?
$\frac{363 \cdot 364}{365^2}$
$\frac{362 \cdot 363 \cdot 364}{365^3}$
$\frac{365^2}{363 \cdot 364}$
$\frac{363^3}{362 \cdot 363 \cdot 364}$


Alexa has 365 possible birthdays.

Tri has 364 possible birthdays since Tri can’t have the same birthday as Alexa.

Zoltan has 363 possible birthdays since Zoltan can’t have the same birthday as Alexa or Tri.

Thus, there are $ 365 \cdot 364 \cdot 363 $ ways for Alexa, Tri, and Zoltan to have different birthdays.

There are $ 365^3 $ ways for Alexa, Tri, and Zoltan to have birthdays.

Thus, Pr$ (A) = \frac{365 \cdot 364 \cdot 363}{365^3} = \frac{364 \cdot 363}{365^2} $