
Evaluation: 2016 Fall Final

Author: Michiel Smid

1 . Consider a set $A$ having size 7 and a set $B$ having size 9. How many functions $f : A \rightarrow B$ are there?

2 . Consider a set $A$ having size 7 and a set $B$ having size 9. How many one-to-one functions $f : A \rightarrow B$ are there?

3 . How many bitstrings of length 55 start with 000 or end with 1010?
$2^{55} - 2^{48}$
None of the above.
$2^{51} + 2^{52}$
$2^{51} + 2^{52} - 2^{48}$

4 . What does $2^{n} - 1 - n - {n \choose 2}$ count?
The number of bitstrings of length $n$ that have at most two 1's.
The number of bitstrings of length $n$ that have at least two 1's.
The number of subsets of a set of size $n$ that have size at least three.
The number of subsets of a set of size $n$ that have size at least two.

5 . In a group of 100 students,
  • 25 drink cider,
  • 50 drink beer,
  • 33 do not drink cider and do not drink beer.
How many people in this group drink both cider and beer?

6 . Consider strings of characters, each character being $a$ or $b$, that contain at least one occurrence of $aa$. Let $S_n$ be the number of such strings having length $n$. Which of the following is true for $n \geq 4$?
$S_n = S_{n-1} + S_{n-2} + S_{n-3}$
$S_n = S_{n-1} + S_{n-2} + 2^{n-2}$
$S_n = S_{n-1} + 2 \cdot S_{n-2}$
$S_n = S_{n-1} + S_{n-2} + 2^{n-3}$

7 . Consider strings of characters, each character being $a$ or $b$, that contain exactly two $a$'s and these two $a$'s are not next to each other. Let $S_n$ be the number of such strings having length $n$. Which of the following is true for $n \geq 4$?
$S_n = {n \choose 2} - n - 1$
$S_n = {n \choose 2} - n + 1$
$S_n = {n \choose 2}$
$S_n = {n \choose 2} - n$

8 . Consider the following recursive function:
  • f(0) = $1$,
  • f(n) = $\frac{5}{n} \cdot f(n - 1)\; \ \text{for all}$ $\mathrm{integers}\ n \geq 1$.
Which of the following is true for all $n \geq 0$?
$f(n) = \frac{5}{n!}$
$f(n) = \frac{5^{n+1}}{n!}$
$f(n) = \frac{5^{n}}{(n+1)!}$
$f(n) = \frac{5^{n}}{n!}$

9 . Consider the recursive algorithm $\Hello$, which takes as input an integer $n \geq 0$: If we run algorithm $\Hello(7)$, how many times is the word "hello" printed?

10 . Consider strings of characters, each character being $a$, $b$, $c$, $d$, or $e$, in which no two consecutive characters are equal. Let $S_n$ be the number of such strings having length $n$. Which of the following is true for $n \geq 1$?
$S_n = 5^{n} - 5(n-1) \cdot 4^{n-2}$
$S_n = 5^{n} - 5(n-1) \cdot 4^{n-1}$
$S_n = 5 \cdot 4^{n-2}$
$S_n = 5 \cdot 4^{n-1}$

11 . How many solutions are there to the equation $$ x_1 + x_2 + x_3 + x_4 + x_5 = 28, $$ where $x_1 \geq 0$, $x_2 \geq 0$, $x_3 \geq 0$, $x_4 \geq 0$, and $x_5 \geq 0$ are integers?
${32 \choose 5}$
${32 \choose 4}$
${33 \choose 5}$
${33 \choose 4}$

12 . You roll a fair red die and a fair blue die, independently of each other. Let $r$ be the result of the red die and let $b$ be the result of the blue die. Define the events
  • A = "$r + b = 6$",
  • B = "$b = 4$".
What is $\Pr(B|A)$?

13 . Let $V$ be a set consisting of 12 even integers and 8 odd integers. We choose a uniformly random subset $W$ of $V$ having size 7. Define the event
  • A = "exactly 4 of the elements of $W$ are even".
What is $\Pr(A)$?
$\frac{{12 \choose 4}+{8 \choose 3}}{20 \choose 7}$
$\frac{{20 \choose 3}{17 \choose 4}}{20 \choose 7}$
$\frac{{12 \choose 4}{8 \choose 3}}{20 \choose 7}$
$\frac{{20 \choose 4}{16 \choose 3}}{20 \choose 7}$

14 . We flip a fair coin three times; these flips are independent of each other. These three coin flips give us a sequence of length three, where each symbol is $H$ or $T$. Define the events (recall that 0 is even):
  • A = "the number of $H$ in the sequence is even",
  • B = "the sequence contains at least two consecutive $H$'s".
Which of the following is true?
None of the above.
The events $A$ and $B$ are independent.
The events $A$ and $B$ are not independent.

15 . We flip a fair coin three times; these flips are independent of each other. These three coin flips give us a sequence of length three, where each symbol is $H$ or $T$. Define the events
  • A = "the sequence contains at most one $T$",
  • B = "the symbols in the sequence are not all equal".
Which of the following is true?
The events $A$ and $B$ are independent.
None of the above.
The events $A$ and $B$ are not independent.

16 . Let $n \geq 2$ be the number of students who are writing this exam. Each of these students has a uniformly random birthday, which is independent of the birthdays of the other students. We ignore leap years; thus, the year has 365 days. Define the event
  • A = "at least two students have their birthday on December 14".
What is $\Pr(A)$?
${n \choose 2} \cdot \left( \frac{1}{365} \right)^2 \cdot \left( \frac{364}{365} \right)^{n-2}$
$1 - \left( \frac{364}{365} \right)^n - n \cdot \frac{1}{365} \cdot \left( \frac{364}{365} \right)^{n-1}$
$1 - {n \choose 2} \cdot \left( \frac{1}{365} \right)^2 \cdot \left( \frac{364}{365} \right)^{n-2}$
${\sum_{k=2}^{n}} {n \choose k} \cdot \left( \frac{1}{365} \right)^k$

17 . Let $X = \{1,2,\dots,100\}$. We choose a uniformly random subset $Y$ of $X$ having size 17. Define the event
  • A = "$4 \in Y$ or $7 \in Y$".
What is $\Pr(A)$?
$\frac{2 \cdot {99 \choose 16}}{100 \choose 17}$
$1 - \frac{{100 \choose 2} \cdot {98 \choose 15}}{100 \choose 17}$
$1 - \frac{{98}\choose{15}}{{100}\choose{17}}$
$\frac{2 \cdot {99 \choose 16} - {98 \choose 15}}{100 \choose 17}$

18 . Consider a uniformly random permutation of the set $\{1,2,\dots,77\}$. Define the event
  • A = "in the permutation, both 8 and 4 are to the left of 3".
What is $\Pr(A)$?
None of the above.

19 . Let $n \geq 2$ be an integer and let $a_1a_2 \dots a_n$ be a uniformly random permutation of the set $\{1,2,\dots,n\}$. Let $X$ be the random variable with the value
  • X = the number of indices $i$ with $1 \leq i \leq n - 1$ and $a_i < a_{i + 1}$.
For example, if $n = 6$ and the permutation is 3, 5, 4, 1, 6, 2, then $X = 2$.
What is the expected value $\mathbb{E}(X)$ of $X$?
Hint: Use indicator random variables.

20 . Let $n \geq 2$ be an integer and consider a group $P_1,P_2,\dots,P_n$ of $n$ people. Each of these people has a uniformly random birthday, which is independent of the birthdays of the other people. We ignore leap years; thus, the year has 365 days.
Define the random variable $X$ to be the number of unordered pairs $\{P_i,P_j\}$ of people that have the same birthday.
What is the expected value $\mathbb{E}(X)$ of $X$?
Hint: Use indicator random variables.
$\left( \frac{1}{365} \right)^2 \cdot {n \choose 2}$
$\frac{1}{365} \cdot {n \choose 2}$
$\left( \frac{1}{365} \right)^2 \cdot n^2$
$\frac{1}{365} \cdot n^2$

21 . Consider a coin that comes up heads with probability 1/7 and comes up tails with probability 6/7. You flip this coin once. If it comes up heads, you win \$5. If it comes up tails, you win \$2.
What is the expected value $\mathbb{E}(X)$ of $X$?

22 . You flip a fair coin 7 times; these coin flips are independent of each other. Define the random variables
  • X = the number of heads in these 7 coin flips,
  • Y = the number of tails in these 7 coin flips.
Which of the following is true?
None of the above.
The random variables $X$ and $Y$ are not independent.
The random variables $X$ and $Y$ are independent.

23 . Consider the set $S = \{1,2,3,...,10\}$. You choose a uniformly random element $z$ in $S$. Define the random variables $$ X = \begin{cases} 0\; \ \text{if \(z\) is even}, \\ 1\; \ \text{if \(z\) is odd} \end{cases} $$ and $$ Y = \begin{cases} 0\; \ \mathrm{if}\ z \in \{1,2\}, \\ 1\; \ \mathrm{if}\ z \in \{3,4,5,6\}, \\ 2\; \ \mathrm{if}\ z \in \{7,8,9,10\}. \end{cases} $$ Which of the following is true?
The random variables $X$ and $Y$ are not independent.
The random variables $X$ and $Y$ are independent.
None of the above.

24 . You repeatedly and independently roll a fair die until the result of the roll is divisible by 3. Define the random variable $X$ to be the number of times you roll the die. For example, if the results of the rolls are 4, 5, 1, 4, 3, then $X=5$.
What is the expected value $\mathbb{E}(X)$ of $X$?

25 . What is Elisa Kazan's favorite drink?
Hot chocolate